The Light Council Membership



Transformation for soul-alignment, for soul-expansion.



Live your truth, joy and expression. Live your mission and purpose.



Co-create with the universe. Creation and expression.



The Three Main Pillars Of The Membership:


  • to activate to our highest calling, highest mission, highest self
  • integrate, heal, balance our energy body & physical body 
  • ground & embody new earth codes, human & soul wisdom

T.L.C. Tier One

Spiritual  Courses

Welcome to the courses! These three courses I am so very passionate about. With the fire in my soul excitement, I created these courses as a foundation to spiritual development, guidance in spiritual awakening and divine connection to the soul. Each of the lessons I created were the foundations for my spiritual evolution and is what brought me on the path of energy healing, ascension and soul mission. These three courses are combined to The Light Council Membership. To learn more about what is included in each course continue on this page.


Intuitive Development Course

The intention for this container is to grow and expand in our multidimensionality, personal development work, connecting with soul-family and building community of like-minded individuals! If you have been searching for all of the above, plus a safe space to develop your intuitive abilities, this is the container for you!

  • Energy work & Who are we really?
  • Psychic senses: The Clairs
  • Spirit Guides & Light Beings
  • Psychic protection
  • Invocations for clearing, healing, protecting the energy body and your space
  • Grounding
  • Spiritual practice for connection time
  • Intro into dimensions, 5D consciousness
  • Meditations & Card Pulls (energy updates just for us!)
  • Transformation: to living as your most authentic self and living a soul-aligned life!
  • Card pulls/energy updates for each lesson
  • Live recorded Q&A calls
  • And more, as new lessons will be added periodically

Chakra Therapy Course

I am very excited to host this course for you and am grateful to be a guide in your journey. It is my belief that understanding the chakras is the foundation in understanding energy healing, energy work, protection, and accessing parts of our multidimensionality (there are many layers to our being).

The main chakra system consists of 7 chakras in the energy body, which will be the primary focus of this course, although there have more than 7 for the energy body. The chakras are energy wheels (centres) at specific parts of our body that correspond to an area of our life and being. We can cleanse, recharge, and balance these energy centres to create abundant changes in our life and connection to the divine/source energy.

In this course, I will review the main chakra system in depth. For each of the 7 main chakras there will be a lesson, meditations for balancing/clearing, and a meditation for affirmations. Each lesson may look a little different, I have taken concepts that I have learned, my own inner wisdom and knowledge, and that of the Spirit Guides to create this course.


Root Chakra – Muladhara in Sanskrit

Sacral Plexus Chakra – Svadisthana

Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura

Heart Chakra - Anahata

Throat Chakra - Vishuddha

Third-Eye Chakra - Ajna

Crown Chakra - Sahasrana

Each chakra has an in-depth video lesson that includes: the element, the physical bodily parts associated with that chakra, what it looks like to have an unbalanced/balanced chakra, and supporting that chakra.


Crystal Healing Course

Working with crystals has a special place in my heart because it was the entry way into all things spirituality. My first ever crystal was Rose Quartz, in its raw form. I was about 7-9 yrs old, I still have this piece and hold it dearly. Crystals are really magical gifts that can enhance our beliefs and way of life. I personally use crystals everyday, in my daily practice and in my energy healing practice with clients.

Crystals are gifts from the earth, Mama Gaia, and embody a specific vibration meant for healing and supporting the person working with them. They are powerful and potent energies that support energy healing, energy work, protection, and accessing our multidimensionality. These magical stones from Mama Gaia can promote health, healing and well-being in our everyday life. Crystals are also amazing for working with the chakra system as well!

In this course:

  • types of crystals
  • choosing crystals
  • intentions
  • meditations
  • sacred space
  • crystal grids
  • care for crystals
  • card pulls/reading
  • and more as new lessons will be added periodically!

Each lesson may look a little different. I have taken concepts that I have learned from various courses/mentors, my own inner wisdom, knowledge/experience, and that of the Spirit Guides to create this course.

Online Community Hub

  • Circles: A vibrant community space where we can chat, support each other, and engage in all things related to our spiritual courses.

    Here, you’ll find an interactive and live forum where you can connect with fellow members, share experiences, and offer support. You can also ask questions about the courses, and receive answers through video or direct messaging.


Join TIER ONE to learn how to balance your chakras, work with the gifts from the earth, development your psychic senses & meet your spirit guides

T.L.C. Tier Two

Everything in Tier One PLUSSSS:

The Sacred Library

In The Sacred Library:

Introduction to The Light Council Membership:

  • How to use the membership and where to start
  • Intro to Ahai 7D Energy Healing
  • How to download the apps for convenience

The Light - Channeled Transmissions

  • Sacred Symbolism: the rose
  • Fairies
  • Mermaids
  • Dragon Energy
  • Star Systems, Places & Time
    • What are starseeds?
    • Atlantis & Lemuria
    • Why these two time blocks are important to understand right now as we create the New Earth
    • Sacred space to integrate if you have experiences in either of these places (Ahai Activations)
  • New Earth Codes (coming soon!)

Ahai-Infused Activations & Meditations

  • Intro into energy healing, light language & the elementals
  • Ahai-Infused Activations: grounding, Atlantean healing, & more!
  • The Divine Heart Series
    • Divine Child Activation
    • Divine Love Activation
  • Meditations 

Sacred Sounds & Light Language:

  • Sound therapy & what is it?
  • 7 Crystal singing bowls for the chakras, recordings
  • Light language videos: energy healing through movement/dance
    • activations of sacral fire, truth expression, unveiling & divine love

Energy Healing Benefits:

  • Healing and releasing emotions
  • Chakra work, chakra balancing
  • To stimulate healing in your energy body, releasing stuck or stagnant energies, and to spark your own light language for expression and self-healing


BONUS: Special Pricing for Ahai Group Activation Events - Monthly ✨

The Online Community Hub

  • Circles: community feed where we can chat and support each other
    • Community support - to share with each other
    • Journal prompts for personal development
    • Live calls - questions, sharing, insights from live community calls
    • High vibe music playlist - drop your favourite high vibe artists, what music you’re into, if you play an instrument. Can upload videos to share with the community of your music. Connecting through sound!

The Light Council Membership